Ohio Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous

Bidding Requirements

Accepted by the OYPAA Advisory Council February 10, 2013


            1. The bid committee must consist of at least two (2) Alcoholics Anonymous members with one or more years of sobriety at the time of the conference.

            2. Five (5) bid committee members must present their bid to Advisory Council at OYPAA. The bid committee will make themselves available to answer all Advisory Council questions following the bid presentation.

            3. Must provide a Bid Book, a written record, documenting how the Bid committee has met each Bidding Requirement. The Bid Book should also include a bid committee roster, which documents bid committee members’ contact information, sobriety date, and position held on the committee.

            4. Include commitments (proposals) from at least two (2) appropriate facilities so sized as to be able to accommodate the entire OYPAA conference. Include the proposed dates, room rates, room block, any applicable attrition clause, food and beverage prices and minimum, coffee prices, and applicable taxes and service charges. All costs to the committee and the attendees must be outlined.

            5. Provide detailed financial records from all committee activities, demonstrating responsible financial autonomy and the capability of operating within the spirit of the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. This would include cash flow statements and a balance sheet.

            6. Supply written documentation illustrating the committee’s effort to be involved in Alcoholics Anonymous General Service work, to outreach the message of Alcoholics Anonymous, and to practice Alcoholics Anonymous’ Twelve Traditions.

            7. The bid committee must show that no large-scale Alcoholics Anonymous events conflict with the proposed conference dates.

            8. Provide letters of support, or additional documentation, from local Areas, Districts, Intergroups, and committee members’ homegroups.

            9. Two (2) bid committee members must attend at least one (1) host committee business meeting, and at least one (1) host committee event to gain better understanding of conference host responsibilities.


Download bidding requirements here

Download bidding instruction packet here

Bidding lies at the heart of our conference! If you have any questions about how to bid, please contact oypaaadvisory@gmail.com